Micro UPS and other power backup systems for IoT devices and WiFi routers

Power backup for Routers, CCTV, IP Cameras and IoT devices

Micro UPS and inverter systems provide power backup systems to field devices. IoT power backups can be categorized into the following categories.

  • Devices that have a primary power source but need backup in case of a temporary power failure or due to slower switch-over system.
  • Off-grid devices that require power backup during the night

For those devices that do have a primary power source two types of power backup systems are used based on their use case.

  • UPS based micro power systems
  • Inverter based micro power backup systems

UPS and inverter power backup systems for IoT devices

Property UPS systems Inverter Systems
Functioning mode Primary power supply comes into a battery storage and battery supplies power to equipment. In case of a power failure micro ups system will prevent equipment from rebooting. Primary power supply is few directly to IoT equipment without using the battery. In case of a power failure, an ultra-fast switching system switches power source from primary source to a battery. In majority of cases, IoT equipment will not reboot and function as if there was a
Battery lifeBattery life in UPS based power backup systems is relatively shorter as battery recharge cycles are constantly being consumed even if there is no power failure.Battery life in inverter based IoT power backup systems is much longer compared to UPS systems as these systems preserve battery charge cycles and use batter only when there is a power failure.
Device rebooting UPS systems should be used in situations where device power backup much also ensure that devices do not reboot using switch over or failure. Inverter systems should be used where device overall uptime is more important than device rebooting.
Device suitability Internet routers, gateways, NVR / DVR systems for CCTVS Analog cameras, devices with built-in capacitors, lighting equipment, passive and active sensors in some situations etc
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